TINJAUAN PENEGAKAN HUKUM HAK ATAS TANAH KAS DESA (Studi Kasus di Desa Bujur Tengah Kecamatan Batu Marmar Kabupaten Pamekasan)

Akhmad Yono & Febrina Heryanti


Villages as one community have village wealth or assets whose management must be done to improve the welfare and living standard of the village community and increase the income of the village. One of the village assets that can be controlled and managed by the Village Government is the village's cash. The concepts and theories used are the villages in the perspective of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the village's wealth of legislative perspective perspective in Indonesia, the management of the cash lands Village autonomous regional perspectives and the results of the utilization of village wealth. Broadly speaking the legal basis for the management of land (cash) of the Village, based on the hierarchy of legislation, is based on: the Law on Regional Government (Law Number 32 Year 2004, particularly in Article 212-216 paragraph (1) on Village Finance. 72 of 2005 on Villages.

Keywords: Law Enforcement, Village Cash Land.

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Http://Www.Jurnalhukum.Com/Dasar-Dasar-Agraria-Nasional-Yang Diamanatkan-Dalam-Uupa/

Undang-Undang Desa, UU RI No. 6 tahun 2014, PT: Sinar Grafika, cetakan pertama 2014. Jakarta.


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