Ansori & Gatot Subroto


The key role roles of the money laundering mechanism in Indonesia are in the hands of the Financial Transaction Transaction Reporting Center hereinafter referred to as PPATK. Because, if the PPATK does not perform its function properly, then the effectiveness of the implementation of Money Laundering Criminal Act (TPPU) will not be achieved.

Based on the result of research that Role of Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis (PPATK) in juridical in preventing and combating money laundering crime is given duty and authority by Act of TPPU as regulated in Article 39 of Law no. 8 Year 2010, namely to prevent and combat money laundering crime. In addition, PPATK as a Financial Intelligent Unit with administrative model (administrative model). The obstacles experienced by the Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis (PPATK) in preventing and combating money laundering crime is the process of analysis carried out by PPATK to produce LHA (Report on Analysis Result) which will be forwarded to the investigator of the original crime. However, the follow-up of LHA submitted by PPATK to investigator until now has not been done maximally for the interest of law enforcement. Whereas the LHA which is forwarded by PPATK to the investigator is obliged to be followed up by the investigator or law enforcement officer as regulated in Article 106 of the Criminal Procedure Code and Article 48 Paragraph (3) of Presidential Regulation Number 50 Year 2011 concerning Procedure of Authority Implementation of Reporting and Transaction Analysis Center Finance.

Keywords: PPATK, Money Laundering.

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